Adoption of Villages
Join for development foundation believes that villages are the backbone of India and that India’s development is in the development of its villages. We believe that the development of villages is possible only by active participation of its villagers. JD Foundation has adopted three villages where the villagers have voluntarily banned alcohol to show their collectiveness and commitment for village development.
1) Sahalalaputtuga: (Kaviti Mandal, Srikakulam District)
Village Details:
- Located in Kaviti Mandal of Srikakulam District
- Part of Uddanam area where kidney issues are prevalent (Major reason being contaminated ground water)
- Major livelihood – Products from Coconut plantation, Jack Fruit plantation and Cashew plantation.
- Entirely tribal village. No caste and creed issues.
- Severely affected by Cyclone Titli in October 2018.
Series of Activities:
1.JD Foundation adopted the village after the villagers consensually banned sale and consumption of alcohol in the village.

2. In order to empower the villagers and sustain active participation, a village cabinet was formed headed by the chief minister (Sarpanch). Cabinet comprises of 20+ ministers working on respective issues. These ministers are enthusiastic villagers determined to develop the village and are elected by a consensus of all the villagers.
3. The ministers are made aware of the roles and responsibilities, apart from the powers they possess. Cabinet meetings are held every Thursday and Sunday, problems of the village and their solutions are discussed.
4. Swaccha Sahalalaputtuga – to make the village swacch and swasth. All the villagers participate in cleaning activities weekly. Dustbins have been distributed to all the households. Waste segregation at source and solid waste management systems have been established.
5. Tree Plantation on either sides of the road has been done and the responsibility of maintenance is bestowed on the nearest household.
6. The villagers identified that the ground water levels are low and going down, cabinet decided to restore the old pond and 70 villagers volunteered to restore the pond in 15 days. It costed those 2, 50,000 Rupees which would have costed 15 Lakh Rupees if the Govt had taken up the same initiative. Some villagers were selected and trained on Pisciculture and grow fish in the pond for their livelihood.
7. Sand from pond restoration used to level the ground in villages at all places.
8. Blood tests have been conducted to all the villagers irrespective of age to find out the actual scenario of kidney issues in the village and required medications have been prescribed. Serum creatinine and Sugar tests were also conducted.
9. The dysfunctional mineral water plant was reopened, 2 cans of mineral water is provided to each household every day for 5 rupees. Mineral drinking water is also made available at the school.
10. 50 villagers have been provided training at skill development Centres and they have acquired jobs at different industries in the state.
11. Entrance Gate, entrance board for the village and a statue of Mahatma Gandhi have been put up.
12. Cyclone Titli has completely devastated the village, damaging their primary livelihood, the coconut plantations. The foundation volunteers and the chairman, Shri V.V. Lakshmi Narayana stayed at the village for the relief activities and restored it back into shape way before the neighboring villages.
13. Post the cyclone, alternative livelihoods were needed to be created in the village. The foundation supported the cabinet to establish a Candle manufacturing unit, Broom stick manufacturing unit and a mushroom growing unit. Selected women have been trained and all the infrastructure needed to set up these units has been established with the support of donors for the foundation. These products are in the market and the units will soon become self-sustainable.
14. To enable learning in the village community, a learning centre (which includes a Library and a Computer Lab) has been setup where the villagers are provided with information and training on new development models.
15. Cashew processing units and Cocoa plantation are supposed to come up by mid- 2019.
16. Micro bank (operated by a village volunteer) has been set up at the village to ease the financial transactions.
17. Village is also registered under the Smart AP Foundation and has been approved. Future development projects of the village will also get government support through the foundation.
18. The villagers, who understand the pain after a Cyclone, have participated in the relief activities in Odisha in the areas affected by the Cyclone Fani. Relief kits have been given to 500 families as a part of the activity.
19. A community charging point run by solar power has been set up outside the knowledge hub. This device has been innovated by a rural innovator from Telangana and this was a move by the foundation to promote such innovators.
20. Medicinal Trees and Fruit trees planted on the sides of the road near the village entrance. 1000s of Seed Balls have been thrown in lands near the village outskirts.
21. A session was also organized on suggested eating practices and habits by Nutrition Doctor Dr. Vara Prasad.
2) Seetharamapuram: (Gajapatinagaram Mandal, Vizianagaram District)
1. Water treatment plant at Seetharamapuram, in collaboration with Rotary Club, Vizianagaram.
2. Skill development for women at Seetharamapuram. Set up a Tailoring centre for women in partnership with Nirmaan Organisation and provided adequate training.